
The Parma Municipal Court’s Probation Department oversees all persons on placed on probation as the result of a traffic or criminal conviction. It is the goal of probation to monitor compliance with the sentence imposed by the Judge, thereby reducing involvement of further criminal activity.
Probation Officers assess the needs of the defendant and monitor the compliance of their terms of probation, as determined by the Court. Conditions of Probation can include paying restitution, alcohol and mental health assessments or treatment, random drug or alcohol screening, counseling, and community service. Defendants are assigned to a probation Officer who will supervise the conditions of their probation and provide assistance in complying with those conditions. The standard rules of probation are provided for your convenience, but you are urged to remember that these are the standard conditions, and the Judge may impose additional conditions.
General Rules of Probation
I am not to violate the laws of the United States, laws of the State of Ohio, or the Ordinances of any villages or municipality therein. If I am arrested or questioned by law enforcement, I am to contact the Probation Department immediately.
I will not leave the State of Ohio without permission of the Probation Department or the Court.
I will not possess, use, purchase, or have under my control any narcotic drug or other controlled substance, including any instrument, device or other object used to administer drugs or prepare them for administration, unless it is lawfully prescribed for me by a licensed physician. I agree to inform my Probation Officer promptly of any such prescriptions and I agree to submit to drug testing if required by the Adult Probation Department and/or the Court.
I will avoid alcohol and un-prescribed drugs and shall associate with only law-abiding persons.
I will maintain a regular residence and will inform the Probation Department of any contemplated change before it is made.
I shall work regularly at a lawful occupation, unless disabled, and support my legal dependents, if any. If unemployed, I will actively seek employment or enter a skill upgrading program when possible or available. I will notify my Probation Officer of any change in my employment status.
I will keep in regular contact with my Probation Officer both by phone, at least once per month, and face to face according with my classification. I will keep all appointments as scheduled with my Probation Officer.
I will not purchase, own, possess or have under my control a deadly weapon or firearm, as defined in O.R.C.2923.11.
I am to pay all fines or if eligible, participate in the Work Service in lieu of Fines Program. I am to pay all court costs and all restitution within a period of time specified by the Court.
I also agree to and will follow any Special Conditions imposed by the Court or the Adult Probation Department.
Defendants on Probation are required to meet with their Probation Officer on the assigned date and time. Failure to report may result in a violation of Probation.
The Probation Department is open Monday through Friday from 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 P.M., but Probation reporting is typically done on Thursdays and Fridays only.
Restitution Program
The Restitution Program ensures that defendants are making restitution to their victims in a safe and accountable manner. The program establishes what losses were incurred and establishes a payment schedule with the defendant to ensure the restitution is made prior to the termination of probation.
The Restitution Program accepts payments from the defendants via cash or money order and forwards payments to the victims.
Probation - Frequently Asked Questions
What is probation? How long will I be placed on probation?
Probation is an alternative to incarceration. The length of probation is determined by the judge at the time of sentencing.
What is the difference between Active and Inactive probation?
Active probation means that you must report to your probation officer. Generally, you will report once per month. Inactive probation means that you need not report to your probation officer during the balance of your probation.
Who is my probation officer?
At the Parma Municipal Court, Probation Officers are assigned based on your last name alphabetically.
How does House Arrest work?
House Arrest is an alternative to jail, which permits a Defendant to remain at home instead of being sentenced to jail. The defendant wears an electronic monitoring device to ensure compliance. The defendant pays for the cost of the monitoring device. The Judge will determine the times and conditions during which the defendant may be released from home, including release for employment, Court or Probation appearances, medical needs, school, or such other times as the Judge will determine. In the event of a violation of the permitted release hours, the device automatically notifies the Court. Some House Arrest units may also include an alcohol feature, which can monitor any consumption of alcohol by the defendant.
How does the Ignition Interlock work? How much does it cost?
An Ignition Interlock device is a device which is attached to an automobile on a temporary basis, the length of time of which is determined by the Judge. The Defendant pays for the cost of this device. The driver must periodically blow into the interlock machine, which is installed in his/her vehicle. If any alcohol is detected on the driver’s breath, the interlock machine will not permit the vehicle to start. If the interlock system is ordered, the defendant will receive specific information about it when arranging his/her driving privileges with the probation officer.
If my license has been suspended by this court as a result of a DUI conviction, how can I obtain driving privileges?
Typically the Judge will grant privileges at the time of sentencing. You will receive a Driving Slip which you must carry on your person at all times when driving. If you were not granted privileges, then a request at a later time must be done in writing, filed in the case. The Judge will then decide on your request. Any changes to any driving privileges must also be in writing. If you have other suspensions from other Courts, their privileges must match privileges granted by this Court. If the other Court does not grant privileges, then any privileges granted by this Court are void, as long as the other Court does not grant driving privileges. Also, if you have suspensions from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, they void any privileges granted by this Court until cleared. To see if you have to clear other suspensions, you may get this information from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, by visiting In some situations an Entry may be needed from this Court to permit you to go to the BMV to clear other suspensions. If this is necessary, then you should contact your Probation Officer for this Entry.
May I perform community service in lieu of paying my fines and court costs?
The judge may grant the defendant the opportunity to perform community service in lieu of paying fines and costs. The Judge will give a per hour credit towards this for hours of work service performed. The probation department schedules community service. The Court cannot give work service credit for amounts owed for restitution.
Are appointments for the Probation Department available on Saturday or Sunday?
No. The Probation Department is open from 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, but Probation Reporting is typically done on Thursdays and Fridays.
Do you have a "First Offender’s Program"?
The program is reserved for certain non-violent misdemeanor criminal offenses committed by first-time offenders. A defendant's eligibility for the program shall be at the discretion of the judge assigned to the case or presiding over the case on the court's administrative docket, with the consent of the prosecutor. Factors which may be considered by the court in determining a defendant's eligibility include the nature of the offense, whether the offense was non-violent in nature, whether the defendant was cooperative with law enforcement officials, whether there is evidence of remorse on the part of the defendant, the defendant's prior criminal and traffic record, whether there are any pending cases against the defendant, and any other factor the court determines to be relevant.
the First Offenders' Program was established to keep first offenders from being fully immersed into the criminal justice system. The program is not applicable to dangerous offenders or other defendants accused of any of the following offenses:
Offenses involving violence or threats of violence;
Building and property maintenance offenses
Operating a vehicle under the influence (OVI); and
Traffic offenses.
In order to apply for the First Offender Program a defendant needs to fill out an application and submit the application with a $25.00 processing fee within 48 hours. If the defendant qualifies for the program they will be required to pay a $175.00 program fee, complete community service, and any other requirements and or classes deemed appropriate by the court. If the defendant successfully completes all requirements of the court, their case will be dismissed.
How many points are on my driving record?
The number of points accumulated on a person’s driving record can be found by contacting the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
Can I have my DUI conviction expunged?
No. Traffic offense convictions cannot be expunged.