Camera Citations

General Information
Traffic camera/photo enforcement violations are civil matters which carry a civil penalty/monetary fine. These violations are not reported to the Ohio BMV. Therefore, no conviction or points are recorded on your driving record if you admit to or are found liable for the violation.
Traffic camera/photo enforcement violations are now under the sole jurisdiction of Municipal Courts. Violations are no longer resolved through administrative hearings at Mayor’s Court per Ohio Revised Code and Court rulings issued by The Supreme Court of Ohio. Traffic camera/photo enforcement laws are governed by Ohio Revised Code sections 4511.092 through 4511.099. Any City/Village within the jurisdiction of the Parma Municipal Court that chooses to utilize traffic camera/photo enforcement programs must file all citations with the Clerk of Court of the Parma Municipal Court. The Clerk’s office will create a designated case number per filing in the name of the registered owner of the vehicle captured in the camera citation issued by the City/Village.
If you were issued a camera citation in the City of Parma, City of Parma Heights or the Village of Linndale you can view your citation at viewcitation.
Your Rights and Options When You Receive a Camera Citation
The rights of a person or entity who received a camera citation/notice of liability are set forth in Ohio Revised Code section 4511.098. If you are issued a camera citation/notice of liability you must elect to do one of the following:
- Waive/Pay Citation Accepting Liability
In accordance with the instructions on your citation, pay the civil penalty, admitting liability and waiving your opportunity to contest the citation. Late fees may be added to your waiver amount if not paid within 30 days of receipt of the citation.
- File Transfer of Liability if you were not the driver or if the vehicle or license plates were stolen
Within 30 days after receipt of the citation, provide the Court with either of the following notarized affidavits:
- A notarized affidavit executed by the registered owner stating that another person was operating the vehicle at the time of the violation. The transfer of liability form is attached to the citation and MUST include the name and address of the designated party. Please note: If a parent/adult is filing an affidavit stating a minor/juvenile (under 18 yrs. old) was the driver at the time of the photo infraction, the parent/legal guardian of that minor/juvenile would be the responsible party to accompany the minor/juvenile to any Municipal Court related appearances and would be responsible for any potential fine, fees and/or costs associated with the adjudication.
- A notarized affidavit executed by the registered owner stating at the time of the violation, the vehicle or license plates issued to the vehicle were stolen. The transfer of liability form is attached to the citation and a copy of the police report regarding the stolen vehicle or license plates MUST be attached.
If the Court receives a timely filed and properly completed affidavit, the transfer of liability will be reassigned to the proper party and a new citation may be sent to the designated party by the City/Village.
- Contest the Camera Citation
File a written request contesting the citation. The form can be found on our website at Motion to Contest Camera Ticket and must be received by the Court within 30 days after receipt of the citation.
All documents can be filed with the Clerk’s Office in person during regular business hours, by US mail, by faxing to (440) 887-7481 or by email at
Payments can be made in person at the Court during regular business hours, mailed to Parma Municipal Court 5555 Powers Blvd. Parma, OH 44129 or made online on the Court’s website at Payment Center.
Initial Appearance, Hearings and Procedures
If a party or entity named in a camera violation contests the citation, the Court will schedule an Initial Appearance. At this appearance any questions, concerns or possible resolutions related to the citation will be addressed. If the case cannot be resolved at the Initial Appearance, an evidentiary hearing will be scheduled in the future for both the party who received the citation and the City/Village to present evidence. The Court will make a determination about whether a preponderance of the evidence establishes that the party did or did not commit the violation. A written decision of liable or not liable will be made by the Court.
If a party contesting their citation fails to appear at any scheduled Court appearance or hearing, he/she will be found liable for the violation. Any civil fines and/or costs imposed by the Court will be required to be paid by the party named in the citation.
For additional information, the City of Parma’s camera ticket codified ordinance can be found at Traffic Codification Codes.
For additional information, the City of Parma Heights camera ticket codified ordinance can be found at Traffic Codification Codes.
Camera Ticket FAQ- Camera Tickets Q&A