Sealed Records or Expungements

Ohio Revised Code Section 2953.32 through 2953.33 discusses the eligibility requirements and applicable laws regarding Sealing of Records or Expungements.
A motion request for Sealing of Records or Expungements for a conviction must be accompanied by the filing fee of $100.00. The motion shall contain the defendant's name, address, date of birth, social security number, contact information, and the reason the defendant would like the case considered for sealing of records or expungement.
Upon receipt of the motion and filing fee, the Court's Probation department will conduct a background check of the applicant. If the applicant is eligible by law and has no pending criminal matters, the case and motion will be sent to a judge for a court date and time for a hearing.
If you have any questions or need further clarification on this procedure, please call 440-887-7448